Big Red Button 68 min

How We Care For Your Child

The wellbeing and happiness of every child at Sedgefield Community College is our prime concern. 

Whilst we are confident that we can maximise every child’s learning potential and ensure that this will result in high achievement, we are equally confident that we can provide a safe and caring environment in which each child can flourish and grow.

We recognise that for both parents and children, joining a secondary school can be a daunting experience. However, we know that the caring ethos at Sedgefield, and the structures that we have created, make the transfer from primary to secondary school relatively stress-free, and usually enjoyable too.

Close communication between primary and secondary school is crucial to a successful transition. Sedgefield Community College liaises closely with schools during years 6 and 7, which ensures that any support for the specific needs of our children is considered before they arrive at Sedgefield. Throughout the course of our transition process, and particularly during our transition days, we focus closely upon helping our young students to get to know one another and share positive experiences in their new learning environment. Creating such an element of familiarisation provides a positive and rewarding outlook for our students ahead of their actual start in September.

Working so closely with schools and parents/carers alike, we will have detailed knowledge of each child well before they arrive at Sedgefield and will make sure students get extra support during the transition programme if they need it.

Parent/school communication is crucial during this stage. We encourage parents not to wait until their child starts at Sedgefield to contact us if they have any concerns. Rather, please contact us right away and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Upon entry to Sedgefield Community College, each of our students is allocated to a tutor group. Although students only remain in their tutor group for the first 20 minutes of each morning, they will recognise many of those familiar faces that they spoke to and worked closely with during transition. During this time, we look to actively expand student associations and create an inclusive and respectful culture, enhancing the confidence of our young students to mix outside of their regular groups. The Tutor takes initial responsibility for the pastoral welfare of each child in that group, and in most instances can help to resolve any issue that a child or parent may have. Parents that need information or who have a problem concerning their child should contact their child’s Tutor initially.

However, each year group also has a Year Group Manager who works closely with the Tutor and can provide the ‘next level’ of support, should a child/parent require it. Year Group Managers have overall responsibility for the students in their year group. They also lead their team of Tutors and help the Tutor monitor student progress on a day-to-day basis, as well as supporting students' general care and welfare.

Year Group Managers also have an overview of students’ progress and liaise with student learning support and intervention programmes when required.

A meeting with the Year Manager can easily be arranged by contacting the school. The Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers, Pastoral Leads and Assistant Headteachers are always ready to meet parents if required too.

We encourage parents to contact us about any matters or concerns as soon as they arise, including any unusual difficulties experienced by their children. This early communication means we can usually resolve issues before they become too troublesome.

Conduct and Discipline

We aim to develop in every student a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and respect for the rights of others. This begins with the building of good relationships between staff and students, and among students themselves.

The college aims to treat all students with understanding and recognises the need to give our students the opportunity to develop personal and social skills.

We expect a very high standard of behaviour and a willingness to follow the rules of the college and all instructions given by staff. The vast majority of our students understand this and behave in a responsible manner, obeying the college rules on conduct, discipline, attendance, completion of work (including homework), and the wearing of uniform.


We know that bullying is a major concern for many students, parents and teachers and that it can affect a child’s college attendance and performance. Bullying affects everyone: not just the bullies and victims. It also affects other children who may witness the aggression of the bully and the distress of the victim.

At Sedgefield we believe that all forms of bullying (verbal or physical) are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We encourage our students to talk about bullying, not only in the classroom but on an individual basis. We want them to feel confident talking to an adult about any instances of bullying, and not to feel they are ‘telling tales’.

If you think your child is being bullied or involved in bullying in any way, we can only take appropriate action if you tell us. Every reported incident is dealt with promptly.

Attendance - A Priority

Sedgefield Community College’s policy on attendance is quite simple. Every student is expected to attend on every occasion the college is open. The only acceptable exception is when illness or injury is so serious that it prevents the student from attending college. Every absence at Sedgefield Community College is followed up and checked.

Daily attendance at school is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5-16 and parents have a legal responsibility to make sure their children attend college on a regular basis. Failure to ensure attendance can result in instant ‘fines’.

Research carried out both nationally and within Sedgefield Community College shows that daily attendance is the biggest single factor in helping students to achieve above-average examination results. To allow your child to miss college for any non-medical reasons is not in his/her best interest and is likely to have a negative effect on their progress. Non-attendance also places children at risk and in some cases can result in them being drawn into anti-social or criminal behaviour.

There are, of course, isolated special circumstances for absence such as attending a funeral or keeping a specialist hospital appointment.

We ask parents to consider very seriously the educational consequences of taking children on holiday during term time. Any financial saving is unlikely to outweigh the educational cost to your child. 

If Your Child is Unavoidably Absent

Parents are asked to let the school know of an absence by telephoning 01740 617884 before 8.45am. 

After the period of absence and on return to school, please give your child a signed and dated note confirming the length of absence.

If the school is unaware of the reason for your child’s absence, we will make every effort to contact you on the first day your child is absent, either by telephone, text, email or by letter. Please, therefore, let us know as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent.

The college employs the services of Education Welfare Assistants to work alongside our staff to ensure good attendance of all students.

Sam Sladen is our Attendance Officer and can be contacted on:

Tel: 01740 617884