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At SCC, we recognise the positive impact homework can have on student progress and have devised an approach to homework that is tailored to the specific needs of our students across all year groups.  This approach has the following core aims:


  1. To provide opportunities for regular retrieval and consolidation of key knowledge and skills across a wide range of subjects.  This is designed to:
    1. support students to identify gaps in their learning and help to address these.
    2. help students strengthen their memory of vital content and skills, making forgetting less likely in future.
    3. reduce text anxiety as students become used to the process of retrieval and as their learning increases as a result.
  2. To support the development of independent learners, including helping students to manage their time and prioritise effectively.

In order to achieve these aims, we have established the following principles which underpin our approach to homework:

Homework is set according to a consistent schedule and using a consistent platform

Homework tasks are made available at the start of each half term for all year groups.  All tasks are available via the school’s online learning platform (Frog), and so can be accessed at any time by students and parents/carers.  This supports students to take ownership of their own learning and allows parents/carers to support as required.  Additional planning sheets are made available for students to use to help them organise their time in order to complete the range of homework tasks that has been set.

Homework tasks are well-designed and link to classroom learning

A variety of homework tasks will be made available, which have been planned carefully to consolidate knowledge and develop fluency in key skills across a wide range of subjects.  This includes tasks which provide opportunities for students to develop their skills in literacy and numeracy.

We reward students for their commitment to homework and home learning

Our approach to homework is designed to encourage students to want to learn at home.  With this in mind, we look for opportunities to reward students for their positive engagement.  We also recognise that some students may face barriers to completing homework and will set tasks in a way that reduces potential barriers to learning as much as possible.

In many cases, homework tasks will be set via online platforms.  This makes it easier for students and parents/carers to access tasks and will provide students with immediate feedback once tasks are completed.  Amongst the platforms used most frequently are:

  • Sparx Maths - Explanatory videos and practice questions for Maths.
  • Sparx Reader – An online reading platform designed to make reading accessible to all students.
  • Quiz platforms - Teachers will often set revision quizzes on platforms such as Blooket, Kahoot and Quizizz.
  • GCSE Pod - Revision videos and accompanying quizzes in a wide range of subjects.
  • ClickView – TV programmes linked to the curriculum with accompanying questions to complete.
  • Language Nut - Activities designed to support learning and revision in languages (French and Spanish).

For further information about our approach to homework, please click here

Reading Homework

Alongside the homework tasks set by each subject area, we also believe that students should read regularly at home.  Reading regularly offers a wide range of benefits to all students, not only developing their knowledge and understanding, but also supporting social development, and promoting wellbeing.

We promote reading across all subjects in the school, and most notably in English lessons. During Year 7 and Year 8, all students have regular lessons in our school library where there are lots of fantastic books they can check out and take home.  In addition, all students have their own account with Sparx Reader, which is an online reading resource and provides access to a wide range of texts for them to engage with and enjoy both in school and at home.

View Current Homework Tasks

Click here to log in to FROG and view your current homework tasks.