Big Red Button

Contact Details

Headteacher: Mr P Fleming

Sedgefield Community CollegeHawthorn Road, Sedgefield, TS21 3DD

Tel: (01740) 617777

Get Directions

For maps and directions please enter your postcode in the box below.

Reception: open weekdays from 8:30 am and closes (4:30 pm Monday – Thursday) – (4:00 pm Friday).

Tel:(01740) 617777

Business Manager: Mrs G. Bell

(SEN) co-ordinator (SENCO): Mrs A. McGowan

Request a paper copy of the information on the website: Our Central Office

Tel:0191 662 2400

Academy Trust: The Laidlaw Schools Trust

Tel:0191 662 2400

Reception is open weekdays from 8:30 am and closes (4:30 pm Monday – Thursday, 4:00 pm Friday).

Address and telephone number of the Academy Sponsor or Academy Trust head office

The Laidlaw Schools Trust

Suite 2, 3rd Floor, St Nicholas Building, St Nicholas Street, NE1 1RF

Tel: 0191 662 2400
